September 29, 1999
In the Duluth
I saw some discussion on one of the boards about what to take into the field. So, I went out into the garage and brought the Duluth pack into the computer room and dumped it out on the floor. Then I emptied the little pockets. It hadn't been touched since getting back from the Roaring River hike. The stuff in it was representative of what was always in it, with some changes due to what we thought we would do or encounter.
First aid kit and an extra pair of glasses.Survival kit and extra pair of cotton gloves.
Two sets of water proof matches, individual wrap and one extra striking strip.
TP, paper towels and packaged hand cleaners.
Knives (3) and 357 revolver w / special cartridges.
Hunting license.
Point & shoot camera with extra roll of film.
Empty lunch sack.
Some little Hershey bars.
Small and large water bottles.
Topo map of the target area.
Empty plastic bags andmedium grade, clear plastic drop cloth.
All of the things, except the revolver were in plastic zip lock bags. No rain gear. If its raining, and you are working hard, you will get wet from either the sweat or the rain so what's the use? Don't get me wrong, there is a time for rain gear and I have it.
That was what I took into an area where a problem would easily mean a night's stay in the rain. I should have had some thing else to eat, like jerky or something. I had plenty at the house. The clear plastic drop cloth was for use in a make-do shelter. If carefully done and there aren't winds, it will make a drip tight space when combined with proper branch and limb materials. Also, the clear reflects the light good if someone is trying to find you.
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