7, 1999 - Tuesday
Devils Ridge

View of Mt. Hood, location
uncertain 9/99
Went up alone. Walked all
over Devil's Ridge grouse hunting - well
that's a big exaggeration, but I did cover a
fair piece of it. Flushed only two. They were
in the taller timber at the north end. No
First, I went to the rocks out on the
northeast ridge. Still as impressive as I
remember them. In the morning light, the
bigger rock piles looked like graves, very
old graves. Found one stone on the face of
the far rock pile, over looking the little
cliff, that showed it was apparently erected.
It was the only vertical one within at least
a 100' x 100' area or 10,000 square feet. In
fact, I think the area was bigger than that.
I found some more of what I took to be old
moss covered stacked rocks. I carefully
checked the other stacks I had noticed the
first trip and my memory held good.
After I looked around the rocks, carefully I
might add, I drove back down the gravel road
and parked at where the close part of the 130
spur started. I walked a big 2/3 circle
around that road. There was 30'-40' regrowth
on the south side leading into what was
probably virgin timber. To the north, going
up the mounded ridge, was scrubby regrowth.
From the age of the downed waste, I'll bet it
had been logged well over 10 years ago and
there just wasn't much coming back. Might
have been the altitude. The Forest Service
had ripped up short portions of some of the
logging skid roads along it.
The actual ridge of Devil's Ridge, as I could
tell it, was along the west side. It wasn't
like a cliff at all, just very steep and not
able to hold a road. Still can't figure the
name. Some of that area was fenced off to
keep the deer and elk out of the regrowth.
Maybe the fence helped, I couldn't tell.
Toward the end of the fence, I went downslope
just a bit and climbed up on a big old stump
and took in the view. It was grand. Oak Grove
Butte was right in front of me and the saddle
between the Butte and the Ridge looked to be
prime holding terrain for elk and deer. Off
to the left, the big Bonneville electrical
power lines ran to the west. They had a wide
swath of cleared ground under them. That
ground was filled with bushes growing good
food for the elk and deer.
Then I got to the northwest end and the road
circled to the east through the last of the
virgin timber at that end. Kind of strange.
The Forest Service left patches of big timber
at each end and took everything in between
out at various times from all appearances.
Along the north end, there were two more
logged strips leaving standing timber between
them. That made three stripes of reprod going
down the slope toward Devil's Spring. Funny
looking. Why didn't they just log the place
off and be done with it?
Anyway, it was a beautiful walk and it was
time to go back. I back tracked and when I
got out of the tall timber, I cut up to the
ridge proper through the regrowth. It wasn't
hard since the central part was just like a
big mound. It was just a ways to go. Off and
on, I could use some of the old skid roads to
get back to the truck. Thought for sure I'd
flush some quail or grouse, but didn't and
didn't even hear any of them.
I was tired when I got back to the truck. I
easily had covered 3 miles plus on the ridge.
I decided to go back over Oak Grove Butte as
Hwy 46 was still closed for construction and
I wanted to spend a little more time out.
First, I took the #20 spur and then the #10.
Along it, sort of overlooking the road up to
High Rocks and Mt. Mitchell on the other side
of the Oak Grove Fork of the Clackamas River,
I stopped. First it was a good view.

Rock hole on Oak Grove Butte
Second, I had seen a hole
next to the road that was unusual. A rock had
been pulled from the ground and was gone,
just gone. It had to weigh at least 200# from
the size of the hole. The next thing that
bothered me about the missing rock was that
the hole showed a clean pull out. There was
no sign of prying or the use of chains or
ropes. The edges of the hole were sharp and
crisp all around. In addition, the rock was
just the common variety sandstone type from
up there and wasn't special for paving or a
collection. Where had it gone? I looked all
around for some distance and then went into
the rhododendron field down slope. No rock. I
needed to come back and measure this up and
get a witness.

9/99 Rock yanked
vertically from hard ground.
Oak Grove Butte. 2 3/4" shotgun shells
(grouse season).
Rock not found. Joe Beelart.
Didn't have a tape with me.
Took a picture. I picked up a sample rock of
what was probably the same material - the
rock seemed common in the area. The sample
rock was substantially less than half the
size of the hole. When I got it home, it
weighed 84#. Of course, it got promptly put
on the rock pile.

"People Baiting
Station" Unused fire ring, Oak Grove
Butte 9/99
Then I found some more
strange rock doings further down the Butte
near the intersection of spur 125. I had
stopped to look at the mossy scree and off to
the west side of it I noticed a crude fire
circle. It had not been used and there was no
wood of any kind gathered near it.

"People Baiting
Station" Oak Grove Butte, stylized fire
pit 9/99
A few feet from the fire
circle, there was a knot of wood about
18" long and 3" in diameter with
some rocks sort of stylized stacked around
it. Then there was a line of several stacks
of stones about 6'-10' apart. All of the
stacks were of three stones about fist-sized.

"People Baiting
Station" Views of 3 rock grouping,
stylized fire pit and unused fire ring. Oak
Grove Butte 9/99
All in all, it looked like a
kid mimicking the building of a fire pit. The
really unique thing about the whole area was
that there was no evidence of people. It was
sparkling clear of human debris. There were
no bottle caps, no cans, no cigarette butts,
no scraps of paper, no spent firearms
cartridges, no tire marks, no nothing. Over
on the rock scree, there were stones that had
been piled up on the top of a boulder from
the shoving done by the road crew. The
whiteness of the stones indicated they had
been laid since last winter. This was all
very bizarre and I determined to get Steve or
Cliff back up there to see this stuff as soon
as I could. We certainly had to get back up
before deer season started in a couple of

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