August 11, 1999
Trapper Steve's Infamous BF Bucket Call
Ray Crowe and Steve Kiley with bucket callGuaranteed to get all of the neighbor dogs howling or barking, coyotes calling and birds either flying in terror or replying. To really get the neighbors interested, try doing various tones over a period of time in a closed garage. You will need the following economical items:
1. Clean plastic 5 gallon bucket with a small hole drilled in bottom center. Recommend white for night use.
2. Some good cotton low-stretch cord ~ 1/8" and about 10' long.
3. Pair of good, lightweight, smooth white cotton gloves - garden center variety ~$4
4. Water container w/water
5. Use a large knot of cord to keep the line from pulling through the bucket bottom hole.
6. Wet the cord and gloves thoroughly
7. Hold the bucket away from the body with hands holding bucket edge near wire handles
8. Pull on the cord until desired effect is achieved.
9. Rewet cord and gloves as necessary.
10. Gloves won't last long, so put on backwards or have a spare pair.
11. If alone, drill holes in bucket sides near handles and secure with low-streach cord to pickup tiedowns and pull.
Have tried small buckets, coffee cans, etc. This seems to work best. Someone between 1/4 and 1/2 mile away should hear rumbles in quiet air or if downwind. Buckets with coatings don't get quite the reverberation of clean ones. This is all cheap and least for us.
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