July 1, 1999
Duluth for Birthday!
Today is my birthday. I love my Mother and Father for giving me life and a good upbringing. To me, this is always a special day.
I went into town (downtown Portland) and had lunch with my friend and world's champion bookseller, John Henley. We went to Jake's. Jake's is one of the oldest restaurants in the new Northwest. We had oysters and I had the little flounder fillets. John had a fine fish stew. We generally have the same things every time. There was sliced bread and real butter and a white table cloth on the table. They always give us a booth. We talked about his book manuscript and loads of other things. Since it was my birthday and he's a bookseller, I got to pay. That was ok. I've known John for at least 20 plus years and he always has a smile and a good word for me.
Trapper Steve called and wanted to stop by. That was strange. He gave me a Duluth pack! Said he was tired of looking at the orange one. Said he appreciated the introduction to Bigfooting. He also said to look for the small stuff, the things that were out of place or different from what they should be. He said that [we] should continue our education of nature - fancy words, because I can't remember his plain ones.
Then SLB came home tired and worried from work and let me cook us supper. That was also fine, I had gone down to Zupan's and bought one of their best steaks. I opened a bottle of good wine. All in all, not a bad day. I have been a very fortunate person.All website content is © Copyright 2000, Joseph Hector Beelart, Jr. unless otherwise noted.
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