11, 1999

Steve Kiley with track cast
near Ripple Brook, Frog Lake 3/11/99
Went up with Trapper Steve.
He drove. Cold and clear.
Good long range vision for once today. Could
really see the lay of the land. Best weather
so far this year.
Went direct to Cliff Site 1.
The imprint was still clear after two weeks
under the snow. From my previous trips, we
know the imprint had been made between
Thursday and Saturday, two weeks before.
Went out into big meadow,
lots of standing water. Trapper S. mixed up
some plaster-of-paris in a plastic zip bag.
Went back and poured imprint. Waited,
nothing. Too cold. Walked around. Explored
area around meadow. I went into the brush to
the east, he to the west. Plaster still
liquid, too cold.
Steve's truck Mt. Mitchell
3/99 |
Cast of imprint near Ripple
Brook, Frog Lake 3/11/99 |
Tire, coyote, buck deer
tracks. South fork, Mt. Mitchell
3/11/99 |
Click each image for a
full-sized photo |
Took off
toward the old rotten bridge that Cliff had
showed me. The one on the road with the rock
circle behind the fallen tree. Snow turned us
back. Parked and walked through the brush up
a south facing slope to a rock scree.
Cliff had been talking about
a big one in the area. This one was kind of
small. The reason Cliff wanted to find the
right big one, was that when he used to live
here, there were big animal trails on each
side of it. He figured that if we watched the
trails we might find some prints.
Went up west on Mt. Mitchell flats access
road. Snow turned us back. Guy that works at
Job Corps camp down by Ripplebrook came
bashing up through the snow in his little 4 x
4 pickup. He found a spot in the sun, hauled
out a chair and opened a short case of beer.
He got out a book and sat back. When we
walked back down by him, he told us it was
his day off.
We asked him if he ever saw anything unusual
up here. No reference to BF. Caught on quick
to what we were looking for. He said,
"No, but had heard some stuff." He
said to call the cultural person at the
Forest Service in Estacada. He thought the
person could give some good information. Said
that he used to work out of the ranger
station at Ripplebrook before the
environmentalists essentially stopped logging
in the national forest. Then he was done
talking. He had helped and now he wanted to
enjoy his day off.
We found coyote, deer and grouse tracks in
the snow up there. Didn't get near where
Cliff and I had stopped earlier in the
We went back and the plaster had dried enough
to pull it. Didn't pick up the toes very
well. Was still good and damp, so pulled up a
lot of grass and dirt. The cast was about
14" plus when we actually measured it.
Didn't walk much today. The exercise part of
the outing was only about ½ of what we
normally do. It had been a good outing and
the weather had been excellent.
A note on the cast. While it
was interesting and the photos show a nice
imprint, we were not too impressed with the
cast as evidence of a large bare foot, partly
because the toes didn't pull too well.
However, the cast has some unusual
characteristics. Months later, Thom Powell of
the BFRO showed us some casts he had gotten
from Frank Kanester over in Colton. Those
casts had apparently come out of the upper
Molalla River drainage. That area is just
west of the Clackamas River drainage, or
about 25 air miles away from where we cast
the imprint. One of Thom's casts was
remarkably similar in size and odd
characteristics to the one we cast near

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